Hand Sanitizer & Surface Sanitizer | 55 gal. Drum
As the rapidly changing response to the spread of covid-19 evolved in the Northwest, I was asked by friends in the medical field if we could assist in increasing the supply of alcohol-based hand sanitizer that is suddenly lacking. The idea really took shape around helping to support jobs for those in the hospitality industry, not only at our winery, but throughout the supply chain of distributors, retailers and restaurants that are experiencing unprecedented loss of revenue while producing something our community needs.
As you may have noticed, the packaging of this product is somewhat non-traditional. We used the resources and equipment available to craft this product. We recommend that this package be used to fill more convenient containers. We thank you for your purchase of this product, supporting something needed in the community while supporting jobs in small businesses.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the product or shipping, thank you for your support. #wegotthis